The University's main campuses are revered in Rome for their architecture, representing important movements in the city's artistic history, as well as for their lush gardens, small oases in a busy city.

The Luiss Campus at Viale Romania 32 houses the Departments of Economics and Management, Economics and Finance and Political Science, as well as the Undergraduate School and the Graduate School.

The Luiss Campus at Via Parenzo 11 houses the teaching activities of the Graduate School in Law, Global Law, Political Science and EPP. It is home to the Department of Law.

The Luiss Campus at Viale Pola 12 is home to the offices of the President, the Rector, and the General Manager. It also hosts part of the teaching activities for the Law, Global Law, Political Science, and EPP courses, as well as those of the “Massimo Baldini” School of Journalism and the Postgraduate Schools.

Il Campus di Villa Blanc, situato in Via Nomentana 216, ospita le attività amministrative e didattiche della Luiss Business School

Il Campus di Viale di Villa Emiliani, 14 ospita le attività amministrative e didattiche della School of Government e della Luiss School of European Political Economy

With all new spaces renovated to house a new vision, the Luiss Library is specialized in social sciences, especially in law, economics and political science.
The library is also responsible for collecting and sharing the results of the University’s research community.
The Luiss campuses of Viale Pola, Viale Romania and Villa Blanc are immersed in gardens with historical and cultural relevance.

Il campus universitario della Luiss situato tra Viale Romania e Via Panama rappresenta una porzione di una ben più vasta proprietà del Conte de Heritz, il quale, nella seconda metà dell'800 (1878), aveva riunito in un unico patrimonio diverse ville suburbane (Villa Digne, Villa Lecce, Villa Simonetti tra le altre).

Villa Blanc fu voluta dal barone Alberto de Blanc tra il 1895 e il 1898, dopo la sua nomina a Ministro degli Esteri del governo Crispi. Uomo di fine cultura e di vedute internazionali, de Blanc ebbe il merito di portare a compimento un progetto che resta unico nel panorama della cultura architettonica e decorativa romana.

L’attuale Villa Alberoni costituisce, insieme a Villa Paganini, quel che oggi resta della grande proprietà del cardinale Giulio Alberoni, un possedimento che nel 1722 si estendeva per oltre 27 ettari.
Cultural Activities offers Luiss students the chance to participate in a series of guided tours of the University's campuses.

Luiss University offers students assistance in finding accommodations near campus through different services to meet a variety of needs.

The top floor of the Viale Romania campus is home to the Luiss Loft, a space designed to nourish an academic culture based on design thinking, technology and creativity.

The Luiss Language Café is an innovative space to meet new people, relax and practice foreign languages in an informal and international environment.

In collaboration with Comune di Milano, Fondazione Brodolini and ItaliaCamp, Luiss University has created the Milano Luiss Hub for makers and students, the first digital manufacturing laboratory that unites school-work alternation programs, advanced management training, emerging startups and public events in perfect synergy.
LVenture Group's Luiss EnLabs accelerator is the ideal place to turn every digital startup into a business reality.
View all Luiss campuses, facilities and innovative spaces.