History, rectors, presidents and the hallmarks of the Luiss approach
Current members of the University's Board of Directors
The University is at the forefront of the sustainability movement
Comunicare come l'Ateneo crei valore attraverso il suo modello organizzativo e d'azione.
All Luiss professors, researchers and administrative personnel
All Luiss administrative personnel
All Luiss professors and researchers
All Luiss campuses, facilities and gardens
All Luiss campuses, facilities and gardens
An innovative space led by Luiss, City of Milan, Brodolini Foundation and ItaliaCamp
Luiss EnLabs is the ideal place to transform every digital startup into a business reality
The University's representative to European institutions
Luiss nourishes an international atmosphere at home by recruiting high profile academics from around the world and through exchanges with 290 institutions of higher education in 57 countries.

All Luiss Departments
The Department of Business and Management is distinguished by its close scientific and educational relationship with industry.
The Department of Economics and Finance brings together specialized academic expertise in the fields of economics and finance, and in the study of quantitative methods applied to the economic, social, financial and corporate sciences.
The Department of Law is charged with the task of organizing the degree program for the single-cycle, five-year degree course in Law.
The Department of Political Science takes an interdisciplinary approach, both in the areas of education and research.
All Luiss schools
The Luiss Business School is an internationally recognized center for postgraduate studies. One of the main characteristics of LBS is its long-lasting relationship with the Italian and global business communities, which allows theory to inform practice and vice versa.
The Luiss School of Government is an innovative research institution that offers an excellent education to those who are involved in the political processes of decision-making in the public and private sectors.
The School of European Political Economy is a research and policy center dedicated entirely to European issues.
Luiss School of Law represents an innovation in the field of legal studies in Italy. LSL was conceived within the framework of the international strategic objectives being pursued by Luiss Guido Carli.
Luiss School of Journalism offers the Master's program in Journalism and Multimedia Communication that shapes graduates according to the ethics of equanimity, honesty and tolerance.
Policies and surveys to monitor the University's quality standards.

Luiss è un’Università non statale, avente personalità giuridica ed autonomia didattica, scientifica, amministrativa, organizzativa e disciplinare. Ha per fine primario l’elaborazione e la trasmissione delle conoscenze umanistiche, delle discipline sociali, la promozione e l’organizzazione della ricerca, la preparazione culturale e professionale e il trasferimento dell’innovazione secondo i più alti standard scientifici internazionali.

The Evaluation Office designs and conducts cognitive surveys and thematic studies to support all areas of the University. It provides for the collection and management of statistical databases for MIUR and other institutions.
An enthusiastic team that creates and provides innovative educational services
Calls and procedures for full professors
Calls and procedures for contract faculty
Calls and procedures for researchers
Luiss Green Mobility is a car sharing service offered by Electric Drive Italia for Luiss students, faculty and staff.

Bar exam for Accountants and Auditors
The Amici della Luiss Association is a non-profit group established in 1982.
Established in 1986, the association is open to graduate of all the University's programs.
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