Luiss invests in international study, easing access for talented young people, research and the creation of spaces for innovation
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There's more. Luiss has long invested its resources and energy in specific projects aimed at increasing international opportunities for students, facilitating access to talented young people, providing cutting-edge research centers, and creating spaces dedicated to innovation and creativity (such as ENLABS in Rome and the Milano Luiss Hub for Makers and Students.
To do so, Luiss relies upon a true community of supporters, that includes companies, institutions and individuals: a community with a common goal of being a part of building the future, coming alongside young people and the university, and investing in training, quality research and teaching, and innovation.
Paola Severino, Luiss Rector, Riccardo Zacconi, fFounder of King and Luiss alumnus, Chicco Testa, President of Sorgenia and Stefano Lucchini, Director of International and Regulatory Affairs Intesa San Paolo explain why they decided to give to Luiss.
Paola Severino, Vice Presidente della Luiss, Riccardo Zacconi, fondatore di King e alumno Luiss, Chicco Testa, Presidente di Sorgenia e Stefano Lucchini, Chief Institutional Affairs and External Communication Officer di Intesa San Paolo raccontano perché hanno scelto di sostenere Luiss.
Paola Severino, Vice Presidente della Luiss, Riccardo Zacconi, fondatore di King e alumno Luiss, Chicco Testa, Presidente di Sorgenia e Stefano Lucchini, Chief Institutional Affairs and External Communication Officer di Intesa San Paolo raccontano perché hanno scelto di sostenere Luiss.
Paola Severino, Vice Presidente della Luiss, Riccardo Zacconi, fondatore di King e alumno Luiss, Chicco Testa, Presidente di Sorgenia e Stefano Lucchini, Chief Institutional Affairs and External Communication Officer di Intesa San Paolo raccontano perché hanno scelto di sostenere Luiss.

Supporting Luiss also means believing in the importance of including young citizens – the future ambassadors of our country – in an international context, enhancing opportunities for growth, supporting talented young people thanks to facilitated access, and creating spaces for innovation and creativity.