Anna Elisa D'Agostino
T: +39 06 8522 5989
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
Annual Form for Research and Third Mission
Valentina Ercoli
T: +39 06 8522 5558
The research and Third Mission quality assurance policies of Luiss Guido Carli are formulated in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG2015), implemented by ANVUR (the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) and defined by the Italian University QA system, called AVA (Autovalutazione, Valutazione periodica, Accreditamento – Self-assessment, Periodic Evaluation, Accreditation).
Strategic goals, responsibilities and action lines are defined by the Departments in accordance with the Luiss Strategic Plan. The results of the actions undertaken and the research and Third Mission quality are monitored and evaluated periodically through internal processes which are consistent with the ministerial ones and also correlated with the distribution of resources, in order to allow – when necessary – a prompt improvement intervention.

VIR | Valutazione Interna della Ricerca
The University pursues the advancement of knowledge through promoting the research activities, the cultural and professional preparation, the quality of scientific production, the innovation transfer. For Luiss this also means giving maximum visibility to its scientific production also through reward systems that enhance the contributions of each researcher and at the same time attract successful professors.
The VIR - Valutazione Interna della Ricerca (Internal Evaluation of Research) is an internal research evaluation procedure that annually assigns each researcher an individual research funding proportional to the quality of the publications of the previous three years and registered in IRIS, the University Research Catalog. The evaluation is based on a classification of journals and publishers complying with internationally recognized quality criteria which are also inspired by those adopted for the VQR. The entire Luiss research community has contributed to the criteria and lists, which are clear, transparent, documented in detail and available to all researchers on the Intranet.
The VIR Regulation (“Regolamento per l’assegnazione di fondi di ricerca su base premiale”) is available in Italian at the webpage Statuto e Regolamenti. To consult the English version, please access - with your university credentials - the "Internal Evaluation of Research" section of the Luiss Intranet.
VQR | Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca
NEW - The VQR 2020-2024 CALL has been published
The VQR - Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca (Research Quality Assessment) is a national procedure conducted every five years by ANVUR which evaluates the results of the scientific research and Third Mission activities of Universities, departments and other Research Institutions. The VQR exercises provide an up-to-date assessment of the state of research in the various scientific fields, in order to promote the improvement of research quality in the assessed institutions and to allocate the performance-based share of the Fondo di Finanziamento Ordinario (FFO) – the Ordinary Financing Fund for the Italian Universitiy system.
In 2022 the third VQR exercise, relating to the years 2015-2019, has ended. The evaluation of research products was based on criteria of “originality”, “methodological rigor” and “impact” on the scientific community; all the GEVs (Groups of Evaluation Experts) used the peer review method, possibly informed by the use of international citational indicators. The evaluation of the Third Mission case studies was based instead on the criteria of “social, economic and cultural dimension of the impact”, “relevance in relation to the context”, “added value for the beneficiaries” and “contribution of the structure”.
Luiss achieved very positive results in the 2015-2019 VQR, ranking among the top Universities in Italy for the quality of the research products of all the personnel assessed (“R1e2” indicator):
Luiss ranked 4th in Italy for the academic fields “Area 12 - Law” and “Area 14 - Political and Social Sciences”, 6th for the “Area 13a - Economics and Statistics” and 7th for the “Area 13b - Economics and Management”
the Department of Economics and Finance ranked 8th in Italy for its publications within “Area 13a”, the Department of Law ranked 12th within “Area 12”, the Department of Political Sciences ranked 14th for “Area 14” and the Department of Business and Management ranked 16th within “Area 13b”
as for the scientific-disciplinary sectors, Luiss falls within the top 8 in Italy for all those evaluated (except SECS-P/07): in particular it ranks 1st in Italy for IUS/10 "Administrative Law" and 3rd for IUS/04 "Business Law", SECS-P/10 "Organization studies" and SPS / 04 "Political science"
As regards the quality of the Third Mission (“R4” indicator), evaluated on the basis of the two case studies “” and “Legalità e Merito”, Luiss classified 2nd among all private Universities, proving its strong impact on the social and economic environment in which it operates.
Periodic Accreditation
The Periodic Accreditation of Universities is one of the procedures envisaged by the AVA system, and consists of the external verification of the effectiveness and efficiency of the internal Quality Assurance (QA) System; the outcome of this verification is an Accreditation judgment, which recognizes the University for the permanence of the Quality Requirements set by law. Accreditation is granted by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MUR) on the proposal of ANVUR, which carries out this verification by means of a Commitee of Evaluation Experts (CEV) through document examination and on-site visits. The verified Requirements are consistent with the ESG 2015 and are the fundamental principles on which the University QA System must be based.
In particular, in AVA-2 the Requirement 4 (R4) evaluates the effectiveness of the research and Third Mission QA system, defined by the University in its general programmatic orientation (indicator R4.A) and pursued by the Departments (indicator R4.B).
In March 2021 the first Periodic Accreditation visit took place in Luiss. The mark attributed by the CEV to both R4 indicators was “Very positive” (“Molto positivo”), the highest attributable grade. This evaluation contributed to the final Accreditation of Luiss as “Class A”, the best possible outcome, assigned only to 6 other Italian universities out of the 90 evaluated in AVA2.
Periodic Accreditation Report - Luiss (Italian)
SUA-R/TM | Scheda Unica Annuale della Ricerca e Terza Missione
The SUA-R/TM - Scheda Unica Annuale della Ricerca e Terza Missione (Annual Form for Research and Third Mission) is the tool for the annual evaluation and monitoring of research and Third Mission activities carried out in Luiss at the University and Department level.
It also allows the University and Departments to critically reflect on their awareness of their research and Third Mission planning activity and provides the information necessary to anchor this reflection on indicators and real data. The Report is therefore part of the AVA system, and prepares the University and the Departments for the Periodic Accreditation.
The contents of the Report are also useful for informing students, families and stakeholders about the skills existing in the departments and their research activities, thus helping to strengthen, facilitate and target the collaboration between the University, research and civil society.
In Luiss, the SUA-R/TM is compiled annually complying with a template prepared by the Quality and Innovation Board which incorporates the ANVUR Guidelines, and includes the following documents:
the University Annual Form for Research and the Annual Form for Third Mission and Social Impact (SUA-TM/IS - Scheda Unica Annuale Terza Missione e Impatto Sociale) related to the activities carried out at the University level, compiled by the Vice Rector for Research
for each of the four Departments, the Annual Form for Department Research and Third Mission (SUA-RD/TM - Scheda Unica Annuale della Ricerca e Terza Missione Dipartimentale) related to the activities carried out at the Department level, compiled by the Departmental Research and Third Mission Review Groups
These documents, previously compiled separately, have been merged into a single one starting from the 2021 Form. For the sake of transparency, Luiss has published the SUA-RD online since the 2017 Report; the compilation of the SUA-TM/IS started in addition to the SUA-RD with the 2018 Report to more specifically monitor some third mission activities.
NEW SUA-R/TM 2023 (Italian)
SUA-RD and SUA/TM-IS, previous years (Italian)
Evaluation of research support services
The Luiss Research and Third Mission Office supports the activities of researchers from all the University Departments. Since 2020, the Office has been monitoring the effectiveness of its services through satisfaction questionnaires administered to researchers concerning the services provided (in particular: application support, project management, research communication).
Research Office - 2020 Questionnaire (Italian)
Research Office - 2021 Questionnaire (Italian)
Research and Third Mission Office - 2022 Questionnaire (Italian)
NEW Research and Third Mission Office - 2023 Questionnaire (Italian)
The Luiss Library is the place of reference, collection and dissemination for the research and scientific production of the University. The Library monitors and improves the quality of its services through satisfaction surveys - administered every year since 2003 - and through the “Suggestions and Complaints” online form.