Careers with the CDP after experiences abroad

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image-9 Gen 2018 - 12:13pm

LUISS graduates Gianclaudio ContinenzaNicolò Angeli Bufalini and Marco Pirri work at Cassa depositi e prestiti, one of Italy’s most important financial institutions. All graduating with distinction, the three alumni all hold bachelor’s degrees in Economics and Management and master’s degrees in Management.

Gianclaudio participated in the Double Degree in International Management with Fudan University in Shanghai, studying Management, Corporate Finance and Marketing. After completing the academic year, he decided to stay in China for an internship in Corporate Banking with an important Italian bank. At the end of the experience, he came back to Rome to complete his degree. Upon graduation, he moved to Milan for another internship with an investment bank before coming back to Rome on his road to the CDP. Currently, his job consists of periodic monitoring of the CDP’s portfolio, budgeting support and industrial planning.

Nicolò spent a semester in Canada during his second year of the master’s program, studying at the School of Business at Queen’s University in Kingston. While working on his thesis he began an internship at a strategic consulting agency. Upon completing of this thesis he began an internship with the CDP which eventually led to a full-time contract. He works primarily in monitoring the CDP’s economic and financial performance with a special focus on managing savings, support in budgeting and monitoring financial markets. On what he likes best about his job, Nicolà highlights “the transversal way of working and collaborating with young colleagues on amazing professional paths.”

Marco received a Double Degree in Corporate Finance with Cass Business School in London. After completing a six-month internship with a well-known consulting agency in Rome, he began working with the CDP in the office of shareholding and patrimonial sustainability. He works in strategic intervention in equity and industrial development as well as annual budgeting of a variety of portfolios.

For the three LUISS graduates, to work for the CDP “it is important to have solid academic preparation and strong technical skills, but it is also important to have a good understanding of current events in the worlds of economics and finance.”

Thanks to the support of the Career Services Office, the graduates were able to participate in the selection process, but they underline that to make it through the interviewing process, “it is not enough to have been great students, you have to demonstrate that you are curious and passionate, motivation is crucial. To students interested in following similar career paths, the alumni recommend deep knowledge of economic matters and a good understanding of developments in the international economy. Summarizing his university career, Gianclaudio concludes: “Studying abroad provides immeasurable experience, strengthens your CV and makes you more competitive in the job market. Furthermore, LUISS offers excellent preparation, both theoretically and practically, crucial to demonstrating your worth.”

<p>The paths of three LUISS graduates who now work in finance</p>
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