Luiss School of Government
School of Government
Via di Villa Emiliani, 14
00197 Roma
T 06 85225052/5065
Master in Political and Governmental Communication and Marketing
We are all part of a huge ecosystem, one born out of the digital revolution and the pervasiveness of Big Data. And while in the past, traditional components – communications, messaging, marketing – were each distinct realms for making one’s case or building a following, today they must be approached as one critical voice when it comes to communicating your unique message and curating your reputation.
No organization, whether public or private, that strives to move with stealthy awareness and astute efficacy, can do so without practicing effective social communications and implementing sound marketing strategies.
The master’s program within the Luiss School of Government serves to forge strategic thinkers and capable executives who wish to drive the goals of political and social institutions, political parties, businesses, unions, local authorities, professional associations or foundations, and NGOs, to name a few, all of whom need to get known and remain relevant. Through the timely and thoughtful application of both theory and empirical knowledge, students will nurture a deep understanding that communications, especially in the political realm, cannot rely solely on form, but also on substance. And it is up to them to know how to broadcast the right message at the right time to reach the right audience.
Director: Francesco Giorgino