For over twenty years, Luiss has been committed to the production and enhancement of its artistic and cultural heritage.
Over time, the establishment of the Theater Workshop and the Luiss Choir (which from 2022 will be enriched by the collaboration with the Rome Opera House), the enhancement activities of the historical buildings (such as the renovation of Villa Blanc completed in 2017 and the project of guided tours open to the public launched in the same year), the management of the PalaLuiss acquired in 2000 have further articulated and enriched the impact of Luiss on the territory, representing a tangible sign of the social role that the University has in the territory in which it is located.
Luiss also hosts the permanent exhibitions "Laboratorio teatrale Luiss in mostra" and "RetroMachines", and has acquired numerous pieces of contemporary art (photographs, paintings, sculptures and installations) made by Italian and international artists, now exhibited in the various campuses.
Where students develop their skills by comparing themselves with the great dramatic authors throughout the world
A project with the aim of bringing the Luiss community closer to listening and choral singing
The historical buildings of Villa Blanc, Via Parenzo, Viale Pola and Viale Romania narrated by the voice of Luiss students
The works of art displayed in the spaces of the University
The Library's Rooms host 16 works from the contemporary art collection acquired by the University
A 5,000 m2 structure open every day, which hosts many of the activities of the Luiss Sports Association
Luiss provides continuous education courses within the Post-graduate Schools Luiss School of Law, Luiss School of Government and Luiss Business School. Since 2016 Luiss has been collaborating with schools for the design of Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation (PCTO, formerly Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro) which take place at the Education center of the Milano Luiss Hub for makers and students.
Concerning open education, in 2020 opened 42 Roma Luiss, the first Italian branch of École 42, the famous revolutionary, free and open coding school, with branches in over 22 countries around the world, which can be accessed only thanks to expertise and merit. In 2022, the second Italian branch also opened, 42 Firenze Luiss.
Higher education centers for those who want to qualify their skills during their professional career
A digital manufacturing laboratory in which traditional and innovative entrepreneurial skills are integrated
The first Italian branch of École 42, located at the LVenture Group Hub in Termini Station
The new branch of the revolutionary coding school, in the Innovation Center of the CR Firenze Foundation
Luiss is particularly active in Public Engagement activities, with over 200 events open to the community organized or hosted each year with the coordination of the Digital Marketing & Events department, including concerts by the Luiss Choir, performances by the Theater Workshop and events organized by the Sports Association.
There are also numerous engagement and interaction activities with schools and projects aimed at the development and regeneration of the territory that are carried out externally: among the longest-running and with the greatest impact, LabGov.City and Legalità e Merito, evaluated as "Excellent" in the last national Research Evaluation Assessment (VQR).
These initiatives are accompanied by the intense publishing activity of the Luiss University Press, the communication activities and the Press Office, the information and entertainment programs of the RadioLuiss schedule, the free and globally available platform Luiss Social TV, the research dissemination initiatives coordinated by the Research Office and publications edited by the Luiss Research Centres.
Some examples of events and projects
Sensitize the young generations to the value of respecting the rules and the fight against corruption
Social, technological and digital innovation projects for the sustainable development of communities
Artists from neighboring countries create works to finance scholarships for young talents from their own country
A sports-educational project that has already involved more than 50,000 school students and athletes
A series of meetings to promote gender equality and reduce discrimination
French and Italian leaders discuss priority issues for the future of Europe and the younger generations
Academics and policy makers come together to put culture at the center of the social and economic recovery
An initiative to reward concrete examples of ideas for a truly sustainable economic and social development
The initiative of the Ethos observatory dedicated to the new ethical and philosophical questions
The Luiss Library project for the schools of the local area
Publication and Communication

Press releases, reviews and resources for journalists

The university publishing house disseminates the research of its academy and the contributions of internationally renowned authors on the most important and current topics of the social sciences
The new Luiss quarterly magazine tells, explains and investigates the most urgent issues of the contemporary world through different languages

Live events and on-demand interviews on innovation, current affairs, sustainability, global engagement and sport

The Luiss university web radio, run entirely by students

The information and fact-checking web site of the "Massimo Baldini" School of Journalism
Scientific Research communication
The newsletter with the latest research and Third Mission initiatives and results, sent to academics and professionals all over the world

Podcasts, videos and interviews with the Faculty on the most recent scientific papers, Research Center activities and current projects

A tool to get to know the Luiss Faculty members by exploring their main areas of research

The open access scientific journal of the Luiss DREAM Research Center, in collaboration with the Department of Law

The electronic journal of public law, economic law and administrative science edited by the “Vittorio Bachelet” Research Center
The series of open access volumes on electoral studies and political representation edited by the CISE Research Center