Anna Elisa D’Agostino
T: 06 8522 5989
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
Research Centers
Alessandra Paoletti
T: 06 8522 5826

The Research Center in Strategic Change "Franco Fontana" aims to monitor digital transformation and provide cutting-edge tools to promote innovation and value creation. The Center aims to act as a link between institutions and organizations, providing the first updates on the state of the art of digital transformation and its impact on businesses as well as on the entire national economic system and, to the latter, cutting-edge tools to promote innovation and value creation (metrics, business cases, best practices). To this purpose, the Center intends: to analyze the transformation that companies are experiencing in the light of evolving scenarios; define the development paths and opportunities for organizations offered by megatrends; analyze the challenges for institutions, looking for effective solutions to offer solid foundations and incentives for R&D, the labor market and growth, and organizations.
The Centre's main research areas are: investments, industrial dynamics, productivity and growth (Digital services and Infrastructures: development policies and their impact on the GDP; Investments on digitalization and performance); innovation in business models (Digital economy and new business models; Big data: capturing value from data); the “new” business management (Digital supply chain and Industry 4.0; Cyber security and organization, Management of IPR); labor market (Digital revolution and new jobs; Digital Factories and the work force: from the market to the job cloud; Digital reskilling).
The Research Center in Strategic Change “Franco Fontana” maintains stable research lines and at the same time acts as an observatory to detect further research needs. To this end, the research team is multidisciplinary and cooperates with renowned national and international scholars.