Anna Elisa D’Agostino
T: 06 8522 5989
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
Research Centers
Alessandra Paoletti
T: 06 8522 5826

Director: Prof. Gian Domenico Mosco (
The Luiss DREAM Research Center, Laws and Rules for European Administration and Markets, aims to deal with regulation and justice in the round, in the belief that a series of issues revolve around them which can be solved by Italian companies. to face and overcome the challenges of innovation, on which their competitiveness in globalized markets is at stake. On the basis of a conception of law as a factor capable of contributing to imagine and design the economic and social development of the country, a particular focus is placed on Europe, on the markets and on the implementation phase of the rules and the overall activity of the public. administration.
The Center’s research areas are: intellectual property, competition and communications; Italian challenges for cyber security; blockchain and regulation; listed companies; innovative start-ups; packaging waste management.
Thanks to the relationships with important institutions in the public and private sector, the Center is progressively establishing itself as a point of reference for the entrepreneurial system in legal research aimed at promoting innovation and growth.
Luiss DREAM's main research dissemination tools include the six-monthly online magazine “Luiss Law Review” (ISSN 2531-6915), which in 2020 was included by ANVUR in the list of scientific journals for Area 12. The journal contains a section of a strictly scientific nature, with works subjected to double blind peer review, and one reserved for students, involved in the initiative according to the laboratory teaching method based on practical and case study material. To complete the magazine, notebooks are published in print, which collect cases, essays and collective works with a monographic approach.
Structures established within the Center
- Observatory of Intellectual Property, Competition and Communication (OPICC)
- Innovation Law and Ethics Observatory (ILEO)
- Node of the CINI's Cyber Security Laboratory (Director: Prof. Gian Domenico Mosco): in relation to the Center's basic and applied research, the Node favors the organization of joint research activities on ICT topics with particular reference to IT security. Participation in tenders, the exchange of information and data, the sharing of processing tools and access to the respective library resources are also envisaged.