Anna Elisa D’Agostino
T: 06 8522 5989
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
Research Centers
Alessandra Paoletti
T: 06 8522 5826

In partnership with: University of Florence
CISE, the Italian Center for Electoral Studies, is an inter-university research center established between Luiss Guido Carli and the University of Florence that carries out research on a wide range of issues relating to political representation in democracies. Starting from its original mission oriented towards understanding the entire process of political representation, the CISE has the broader objective of contributing to a reflection on the evolution of contemporary democracies and on the tensions that characterize the process of representation.
The Centre’s research areas are: parties and party systems; public opinion; elections, voting behavior and electoral flows; party competition strategies; statics, dynamics and evolution of party systems; political representation and external constraints on responsiveness; electoral laws and reforms.
CISE's research activity, also fueled by a dense international network of European and American partners, is disseminated mainly through the publication of articles in high-impact international scientific journals, as well as volumes with leading international and national publishers. The excellence of CISE research has also been witnessed over the years by the awarding of numerous awards to its researchers. The CISE also conducts an important public engagement activity, through a frequent presence in the public debate on the media and specific educational programs (in addition to teaching) within the Luiss orientation and hospitality activities. CISE also conducts targeted research activities for companies, institutions, politicians and the non-profit sector.
In addition to the publication of articles and volumes, the dissemination of the Centre's research activities also takes place through the constantly updated website, on which about 150 analyzes are published every year, as well as through the series of popular volumes "Dossier CISE" also available in open access on the Centre's website.