Anna Elisa D’Agostino
T: 06 8522 5989
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
Research Centers
Alessandra Paoletti
T: 06 8522 5826

The ICEDD, International Center on Democracies and Democratizations, studies the processes of democratization and the quality of democracy in different areas of the world, with a multidisciplinary approach (although based mainly on political science and contemporary history) that is both quantitative and qualitative, comparative and focused on specific cases.
The Center's research areas are: history of politics, history of public policies, history of the media; processes of establishing and consolidating democracy; transformations and crises of democracies; democracy and authoritarianism; quality of democracy; destinies and mutations of European liberalism; political leadership in transition processes; political risk analysis; local government; international security; justice and judicial systems.
The ICEDD researchers, belonging to both Luiss and other Italian universities, are organized into research units, observatories and laboratories each dedicated to a specific topic. The ICEDD also acts within a dense network of relationships with the most important research centers that deal with democratization at an international level. This, together with the constant dialogue with companies, policymakers and institutions, favors the interdisciplinary nature of the study of democratic politics, the development of connections between different disciplinary areas and an innovative approach to the study of politics on a historical, political, sociological and economic level. and sociological. The award of numerous research calls, the strong partnerships with companies, the relationships with institutions and other research centers and the presence of scholars with a high level of internationalization and branching in Italian and foreign universities are therefore the strengths of the Center. The results of the ICEDD research are disseminated through an intense activity of organizing seminars and conferences and publishing papers and volumes.