Anna Elisa D’Agostino
T: 06 8522 5989
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
Research Centers
Alessandra Paoletti
T: 06 8522 5826

GRIF, the "Fabio Gobbo" Industrial and Financial Research Center, carries out academic and applied research, in collaboration with companies, institutions and organizations, on the issues of industrial and applied economics, in order to contribute to the public debate and to develop tools advanced concepts to understand the real economy. The research approach is highly multidisciplinary and oriented towards addressing issues relevant to public policies at a local and global level.
The Center’s research areas - closely integrated with the action of other Luiss’ research centers - are: innovation and industrial dynamics; entrepreneurship; market regulation and infrastructure policies in the energy, transport, telecommunications and local public services sectors; competition, antitrust policies, privatizations and liberalizations; energy and environmental policies, green technologies and renewable sources; local development, economic planning, industrial districts and regional economy; sector analysis; feasibility studies and cost-benefit analyzes.
GRIF intends to pursue its objectives by exploiting the possible synergies existing between academic research, teaching activities, professional training and consultancy, developing dynamic and long-lasting relationships with companies and institutions both nationally and internationally.