The LUISS theater workshop starts up for 2015-2016

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Categoria Avviso

image-4 Nov 2015 - 2:17pm

On November 12 at 8:00 p.m., the LUISS theater workshop will hold its first meeting in the Aula Magna on the Viale Pola campus.

This year, 400 years after the death of Shakespeare, the workshop celebrates the bard by performing one of his most famous comedies Much Ado about Nothing, previously brought to the silver screen by Kenneth Branagh, Emma Thompson and Denzel Washington.

A comedy full of entertaining and grotesque characters, Much Ado about Nothing, gives the audience the opportunity to immerse themselves in rich language full of meaning no lacking in irony or laughs.

To give the play the workshop’s signature modern twist, the setting has been changed from Shakespeare’s original Sicilian city to the birthplace of seventies glamour and dance music from Diana Ross, ABBA, Gloria Gaynor, Donna Summer and the Bee Gees: New York City’s Studio 54.

Much Ado about Nothing is the story of preparations for a party to welcome home returning soldiers and celebrate two weddings, despite attempts at ruining it all. Music infiltrates every scene, with rhythm, youth and happiness all perfectly brought to life as in Branagh’s film. The workshop aims to seamlessly blend Shakespeare’s mood and music from the seventies, bringing out the uninhibited liveliness that links them.

It is not necessary to register for the workshop, interested students can come to the first meeting with Director Ferdinando Ceriani on November 12 at 8:00 p.m. in the Aula Magna Arcelli on Viale Pola.