Antonio Majocchi holds the Deloitte Chair in International Management and Global Challenges. His research focuses on firm internationalization strategies and has been published in leading academic journals.
Programme Insight
An excellent education programme designed to meet the challenges of the global market. Thanks to an interdisciplinary approach, this programme combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience, allowing students to gain an in-depth understanding of business dynamics and international markets. The programme adopts innovative teaching methodologies, including the analysis of case studies, interactive workshops and group projects. This practical approach is designed to stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are fundamental elements for managing the complexities of contemporary business. In an increasingly interconnected world, the programme prepares students to become agents of change, providing them with the necessary tools to successfully operate in international and multicultural contexts, with leadership roles.
Study Plan
I year 2025/2026
Microeconomics |
8 |
6 |
Calculus |
8 |
Introduction to Business Law |
6 |
Fundamentals of Management |
6 |
Statistics |
8 |
Macroeconomics |
6 |
6 |
Coding in action Lab (Module II) |
6 |
II year 2026/2027
Marketing |
8 |
Financial Statement Analysis |
8 |
EU Law |
6 |
Industrial Economics |
6 |
Applied Business Statistics |
6 |
Managerial accounting, Planning & control |
6 |
Corporate Finance |
8 |
GAP Activities |
6 |
III year 2027/2028
8 |
Data Analysis for Business |
6 |
Organizational Behavior |
6 |
Intellectual Property Rights |
6 |
Financial markets |
6 |
Visible Data Lab | 4 |
3 elective courses | 18 |
Additional Credits | CFU |
Mandatory language | 4 |
Humanities | 4 |
Internship or Project Work | 4 |
Final Thesis | 4 |
Total CFU | 180 |
The course is subject to approval from the Italian Ministry of University and the study plan could change.
Job Opportunities
The BSc in Business Administration offers the tools to develop a profile and skills both to continue with a highly prestigious master's degree programme, possibly even abroad, and for the job market, especially in the international arena. The BSc prepares students for effective integration into the world of work for professions, both nationally and abroad, whose qualification is a three-year degree. In particular, some examples of employment opportunities are: Multinational enterprise management technician; Export company management technician; Consultant company operator; Official of international institutions; Official in public institutions for the support of internationalization.
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The degree programme offers the possibility of obtaining a triple degree carried out jointly with the George Washington University of Washington (USA) and Renmin of Beijing (RPC) which will allow students to spend a period in these universities and obtain, at the end of the course of studies, a trilateral joint degree. Furthermore, students can participate in the Erasmus call and exams taken abroad can also be recognized as part of the Semester free mover and Summer School programmes.