Gianfranco Pellegrino leads the Program since July 1st 2021, after having contributed to his project and leadership since 2019. A political theorist by training, he works at the intersection of political philosophy, environmental ethics and global issues.
Caratteristiche del corso
Un corso progettato per formare leader con competenze manageriali e politiche di alto livello, capaci di operare in contesti internazionali complessi e in evoluzione. Questo programma offre infatti una formazione interdisciplinare, che integra le scienze sociali con una metodologia rigorosa e la gestione aziendale con la comprensione delle dinamiche politiche globali, stimolando così l’acquisizione di abilità trasversali.
Il curriculum assicura una preparazione unica per affrontare le sfide di un mondo interconnesso e per analizzare e risolvere le problematiche che sorgono in diversi contesti organizzativi, sia nel settore pubblico che in quello privato. In questo modo, forma persone altamente qualificate per carriere in aziende multinazionali, organizzazioni governative e non governative, istituzioni internazionali e per tutti quei ruoli di leadership in cui è necessaria una visione globale e la capacità di navigare tra differenti ambiti.
Job Opportunities
- The program aims at creating professional figures able to predict, support and govern complex phenomena that require interdisciplinary approaches and skills. The jobs profile concern leading roles in international companies and institutions, global consultancy, interests representation, and any activities involving the relation between governmental and non-governmental global organizations and companies.
- The expected job profile is an enhanced managerial figure, with political and policy expertise, including: deep understanding of the political and bureaucratic logic; acute perception of how national and international public institutions change, and how managers should interact with them; capacity of risk assessment of ongoing political and institutional transformations.
Luiss provides financial support to students by offering scholarships and exemptions from the annual fee
Luiss provides financial support to students by offering scholarships and exemptions from the annual fee
Luiss residences are available, as well as other types of accommodation.

Study Abroad
Study in China.
Study in Portugal.
Teaching Cases

The St. Vincent Art Museum: Finding a Way to Face COVID-19
In May 2020, the unpredictable outbreak of COVID-19 called off the entire year’s program of the St. Vincent Art Museum. The uncertainty the museum was facing was putting its survival at huge risk. The Director saw this challenging moment as an opportunity to renovate the museum, its procedures, and customer interactions.