Viale Pola 12, Roma
T: +39 06 85225579/5352
F: +39 06 85225339
Master of Law (LL.M.) in Art Law
Art Law is a constantly evolving area dealing with all the issues related to the legal treatment of artworks along with the regulation of the art sector. From protection and preservation of cultural heritage, in whose respect Italy has been a pioneer and still represents a world leader, to the regulation of the global art market, there are plenty of legal challenges to face. Therefore, collectors, investors, museums and other institutions are increasingly looking for legal specialists with a highly qualified background in Art Law who can assist them in the most delicate matters relating to the management of artworks and to the resolution of disputes arising from breaches of art loan or exhibition agreements as well as from violations of national, supranational and international norms governing the protection of cultural heritage.
The Luiss Master in Art Law (LL.M.) comprehensively addresses all the various legal issues involved in the overall regulation of the art sector. Through classes, workshops, case studies, seminars, conferences along with the establishment of a direct contact with art specialist lawyers, art industry experts, consultants and academics, the Master in Art Law (LL.M.) fosters the development of professional competences and personal skills, preparing participants for numerous career opportunities.
The Programme is composed of seven modules, as described below:
- The Artwork and its Protection
- The Circulation of Artworks
- Art Trade and the Commercial Exploitation of Artworks
- Exhibition and Collecting
- Circulation and Protection of Artworks in International Law
- Circulation and Protection of Artworks in European Law
- Dispute and Settlement Systems