International Development Office
Anna Pellegrino
Emily Magliozzi
Sergio Rios Perez
Camilla Viganotti
Viale Romania 32
00197 Rome
T: 06 8522 5409/5533
Opening hours
Online Front Office (at this link)
Monday, Wednesday and Friday:
11 am - 12.45 pm
Tuesday and Thursday:
5 pm - 6 pm
QTEM Masters Network
The QTEM (Quantitative Techniques for Economics and Management network) Master’s program presents a challenging opportunity for outstanding students willing to develop skills in analytical and quantitative techniques and decision-making in an international context.
After completing the program, students will receive the QTEM supra-national certificate issued by the QTEM network on top of the Master’s degree issued by Luiss University.
The QTEM academic partners are available at the following link. Please note that some destinations have limited availability, further details are available within the call for applications.
This program allows students to attend up to two semesters abroad at two different partners universities among the QTEM academic partners available at the link above, in two different countries.
In order to obtain the QTEM Degree, students will need to:
- Do 1 or 2 exchanges (Track 1: one exchange / Track 2: two exchanges)
- students must successfully complete a minimum of 22 semi or highly quantitative credits on average per QTEM exchange. Details on the courses offered by the partner universities are available at the following link.
- Do 1 quantitative internship of at least 240 working hours
- The internship submission and evaluation will be managed through the QTEM intranet, via the Paperless Internship Manager (PIM) – further information is provided to selected students through the QTEM Internship Handbook.
- As the internship is compulsory in order to obtain the QTEM Degree, QTEM and Luiss will provide support on the research of the position, nonetheless students are the sole responsible to secure a work position or internship. Selection procedures are autonomously conducted by the companies and both QTEM and Luiss are not to be held responsible for the work/internship selection result.
- Two online courses:
- Data science course
- Digital leadership course
- Followed by the QTEM Data Challenge (QDC): a project work where QTEM students are divided in international teams and work remotely to provide creative solutions and recommendations to a company by analysing exclusive data provided by the company.
- Two online courses:
QTEM Modules
A QTEM Module is a recognition of a topic/functional specialization awarded to a QTEM student upon successful completion of a minimum of 20 QTEM credits of courses in the same QTEM Module, during the whole 2 years of QTEM Master’s program.
The available QTEM Modules are the following:
- Finance and Risk Management
- Applied Economics and Public Policy
- Innovation and Strategy
- Marketing and Supply Chain
- Business Intelligence and Big Data
The awarded QTEM Module(s) will appear on the final QTEM Certificate, with a maximum of two Modules.
Academic Coordinator
Homepage |
Dean for QTEM Affairs
Full Professor
Application Process
Details regarding prerequisites for participation, the application procedure, the selection process, deadlines, and further information, are contained in the call for applications.
Available Slots
Every year 20 students will take part in the program.
Candidates for this program should have the following requirements:
- English proficiency: students must possess at least a C1 level (European Framework of Reference), to be proved by one of the following certifications, further details on this are available in the Call for Application:
- Official English language certificate accepted by the QTEM Network – for the accepted scores and tests please refer to the complete list of English Requirements for QTEM students
- Accademia linguistica Trinity School di Roma
- Luiss University Language Centre
- International Secondary School Diploma totally taught in English
Bachelor’s Degree totally taught in English
- GMAT or equivalent GRE (please refer to this website to find the table of equivalence) with the following scores:
- GMAT Exam Focus Edition certificate with a minimum score of 555/805 (a grade between 595 and 805 is strongly recommended)
More information on the new GMAT Exam Focus Edition can be found here, while more information on the updated score scale here.
The GMAT/GRE with the required score may be submitted after the application deadline though priority in the selection will be given to the students who already possess the aforementioned certificate. The GMAT/GRE with the required score must be in any case submitted no later than 20 May 2025 (date to be confirmed) and, should a candidate fail to do so, they will be automatically excluded from the program.
For useful information, watch the online forum
All QTEM candidates must send an official GMAT or GRE score to both the QTEM program (named "QTEM") AND Luiss University ("Luiss") to receive a copy of the official score.
The sections required by the QTEM are:
- GMAT Exam
- Quantitative Reasoning
- Verbal Reasoning
- GMAT Exam Focus Edition
- Quantitative Reasoning
- Verbal Reasoning
- Data Insight
- Quantitative Reasoning
- Verbal Reasoning
Selection Criteria
The selection follows a 3-step process. Details regarding the selection process, deadlines, and further information, are contained in the Call for Applications.
Luiss Call for Applications: Timeline
Publication of the call | First week of December 2024 |
Apply for the program starting from | 8 January 2025 |
Deadline to apply | 24 January 2025 |
Selection Interviews | Early February 2025 (date to be confirmed) |
Selection results | By Mid February 2025 (date to be confirmed) |
Confirmation of participation | within one working day |
Confirmation from QTEM’s Central Office of the destinations for the Fall semester of the 2025/2026 academic year | March 2025 (date to be confirmed) |
Deadline for submitting the final GMAT/GRE score, for selected students who handed in the application without the GMAT/GRE certificate |
20 May 2025(date to be confirmed) |
Useful links
- When to apply
- Graduation Ceremony 2019
- QTEM Partners' Academic calendars
- GMAT-GRE information
- Useful Information on your Mobility
The student experience
- Gianlorenzo Gai, four continents and one goal: to keep learning
- QTEM and the importance of networks: feeling at home in Japan and Australia
While every effort will be made to provide students with complete, accurate and timely information, Luiss reserves the right to change, amend, modify or revoke the aforementioned program. Luiss is not responsible for any cancellation or modification due to events beyond its control. If the program is cancelled or modified for these reasons, Luiss will inform all interested students in a timely manner.