Viale Pola 12, Roma
T: +39 06 85225579/5352
F: +39 06 85225339
Master of Law (LL.M.) in Law, Science and Technology
Master universitario di I livello
The aim of the new Master in Law, Science and Technology is to equip learners with the skills and abilities necessary to undertake career paths in the technological field as well as the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and respond appropriately to the challenges, risks and opportunities necessary to regulate and govern new technologies in a responsible way. Indeed, the complexity associated with technological development requires, in particular for students with studies in the legal field, to equip themselves with tools capable of interpreting the changing institutional framework and meeting the challenges related to the regulation of emerging technologies.
The Master is divided into the following modules
- Regulating Science & Technology
- AI, Contract law and Civil Liability
- Corptech
- Fintech
- Intellectual Property
- Data Governance
- Copyright
- E-sports
- Biotech
- Neuroscience
- Technology, environment & sustainability
- Summer School in “Artificial Intelligence and Criminal Justice”
- Legal data science
- Legal design.
Director: Antonio Nuzzo, Dean, Luiss School of Law