
Alexa Speech
ID Risposta
In the selection process, all valid and registered credits in the academic career (including any internship, language, seminar, soft skill and summer school credits) will be considered. Credits from any free courses will not be taken into consideration. The minimum number of credits required varies based on the degree course and the enrollment year. Specifics can be found on the Erasmus announcement page on the Luiss website.
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ID Risposta
Weighted average mark must be equal to or greater than 26 out of 30, though some universities require a higher weighted average mark. All registered exams will be taken into consideration for the calculation of the average.
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Selection takes place based on the skills in the following languages: English, French, Spanish or German. Candidates must know the language associated to the destination place, certifying a minimum competence equal to the level: B2 for English language. B1 for French, German. A2 for Spanish language. However, a higher minimal linguistic competence is required for most universities and, in some cases, must be proven by a specific official certification. The specific skills for each university can be found in attachment A of the Erasmus announcement on the Luiss website www.luiss.it.
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