A picture is worth a thousand words: in the world of Big data, the DataVis course provides tools and technologies that are essential to analyze massive amounts of information and make data-driven decisions.
Programme Insight
A programme to educate the leaders of the future by equipping them with skills in artificial intelligence, data science and management through a comprehensive and balanced educational experience. With a practical and applied approach, the curriculum offers a competitive advantage for entering the world of work. In a world increasingly focused on digitalisation and the use of data, this programme is an advanced response to the needs of modern organisations, which require professionals capable of using the power of data to drive innovation and meet the challenges of the digital revolution.
Study Plan
I year a.a. 2025/2026
Data Science In Action | 6 |
Advanced Statistics | 6 |
Python and R for Data Science (lab) | 6 |
Data-driven Innovation | 6 |
Digital Ecosystems | 6 |
Data Visualization | 6 |
Internet and Network Economics | 6 |
Data Privacy and Security | 6 |
Machine Learning | 6 |
II year a.a. 2025-2026
Big Data and Smart Data Analytics; | 6 |
Privacy in the Digital World | 6 |
International Operations and Global Supply Chain | 6 |
Ethics for Artificial Intelligence | 4 |
2 Elective Courses | 12 |
Additional Credits
CFU | |
Mandatory language | 4 |
Learning Innovation Activities | 2 |
Internship or Project Work | 6 |
Other Activities to be Defined | 4 |
Final Test | 16 |
Total CFU | 120 |
The following is the curriculum of the MSc in Data Science and Management.
Job opportunities
Data Science and Management will train the new business leaders who are able to effectively deploy data-driven methodologies for several business applications. To give an idea, the following three are possible job opportunities for this Master:
- Data Scientists, capable of tackling today’s complex problems through the deployment of suitable quantitative methodologies and computer science techniques, so to extract knowledge and business value from data.
- Data Intelligence Analysts, capable of integrating data science methodologies inside strategic and business processes.
- Data Managers, capable of coordinating the collection and processing of huge data flows, and to best practice for evaluating their reliability, privacy, and security.

Studying at Luiss means interacting with highly qualified lecturers from all over the world, who come from the business world as well as the academic world. It means being able to choose from several modern, diversified academic programmes offered in Italian or English, which are supplemented by additional educational activities that will prepare you for the world of work.
Luiss provides financial support to students by offering scholarships and exemptions from the annual fee
Get information on scholarships and financial aid offered by Luiss.

Luiss residences are available, as well as other types of accommodation.

Student Mobility Office
The Luiss Student Exchange Office promotes student exchanges within the Erasmus Programme, as well as through bilateral exchange agreements with non-European universities.

Teaching Cases

To Cloud or not to Cloud Strategic Choices and IT Governance in the Digital Transformation of a University
The Head of Research and Teaching Office at Luiss University proposed to adopt a single Learning Management System across the 60 programs offered by the four departments. The challenge was to select a technological solution that could fit students’ and professors’ needs, and also reduce the risk of downtime.