Annalisa D’Agostino
T: 06 8522 5740
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Rome
Research Centers
Alessandra Paoletti
T: 06 8522 5826

CASMEF, Arcelli Center for Monetary and Financial Studies, aims to: promote and support high quality research on economic, monetary, financial and banking issues; encourage debate on current economic and financial issues by organizing conferences and seminars, publishing articles and disseminating reports and press releases; offer high-profile scientific advice both nationally and internationally, providing theoretical and / or quantitative support for the strategic choices of public or private decision makers.
CASMEF's main research areas are: banks, insurance companies and other financial intermediaries; fiscal and monetary policy; regulated sectors; SMEs; infrastructure and sustainability.
The strength and essential prerequisite for the activities of CASMEF is the continuity of relations with the commissioners of applied research, which allows to acquire in-depth knowledge in the field and to guarantee young researchers a sufficiently long-time horizon to complete research projects. Thanks to the strong reputation acquired nationally and internationally among public and private entities of primary importance through the performance of scientific consultancy activities, CASMEF supports its basic research activities and promotes the growth of young researchers by financing grants and scholarships. At the same time, the results of basic scientific research increase the added value of CASMEF's scientific advice, which has become a reference point for many public and private decision makers in various economic and financial fields.
Structures established within the Center
- Observatory on Regulated Sectors and Infrastructures| Deloitte
Responsible of the project: Prof. Giorgio di Giorgio
The Observatory, established in 2014 as part of the partnership between CASMEF and Deloitte Financial Advisory, carries out research and dissemination activities and provides support to the consultancy activity carried out by Deloitte. The regulated sectors under study on which the Observatory is active are: transport and related infrastructures; telecommunication services and infrastructures; energy sales services and related production and distribution infrastructures; water services; health services.
- Observatory on the Investment Policies of Institutional Investors | Mercer Italy
Responsible of the project: Prof. Giorgio di Giorgio
- Observatory on the Tobacco Market | BAT-IT
Project Manager: Prof. Marco Spallone
The Observatory was established in 2018 as part of the partnership between CASMEF and BAT-IT British American Tobacco Italy in order to analyze the trends in the tobacco market in Italy (including new products, THP and electronic cigarettes) and anticipate their medium-long term evolution, through the management of a database on the tobacco market and the maintenance of a forecast model on the same.
- Observatory on Banking Sanctions | OASI
Responsible of the project: Prof. Giorgio di Giorgio
- Joint Observatory on the Economy and Finance of Space | FEA
Luiss' responsible of the project: Prof. Giorgio di Giorgio
The Observatory, established in 2020 as part of the partnership between CASMEF and the E. Amaldi Foundation, is aimed at scientific collaboration between the two institutions in order to investigate, among other issues, the effects of the New Space Economy and its socio-economic impacts. at a global level, Space Finance and the opportunities for the involvement of institutional and non-institutional investors for the benefit of the sustainability of the national space sector.
- Italian Observatory of financial innovation for the efficiency of the Public Administration | Municipality of Rome
Luiss' responsible of the project: Prof. Marco Spallone
The Observatory is aimed at scientific collaboration between CASMEF and the Municipality of Rome to study innovative financial solutions aimed at the efficient retrieval and use of resources by public administrations.
- Observatory on financial for industrial sectors | Fineteca
Coordinator: Prof. Marco Spallone
The Observatory is aimed at building a database of Italian SMEs operating along the long or short industrial supply chains. The purpose of the database is to provide quantitative analysis and empirical evidence about SMEs in the manufacturing sector, highlighting the vertical and horizontal exchanges along the entire supply chain with particular attention to new sources of financing and financial innovation and systems of payment used.