Student Mobility
Annamaria A. Ricciardi
Anna Liguori
Simone Paratore
Roberta Limone
Stefania Ruccia
Marina Riccardi
Viale Romania 32
00197 Roma
T: 06 85225642/5779
Opening hours
Monday, Wednesday and Friday:
10 am-noon
Tuesday and Thursday:
3 pm-4 pm
For students in bachelor's degree, master's or single-cycle degree programs, summer schools are a good way to reinforce the skills and knowledge acquired during the year while living in another country, learning about another culture and speaking another language. In addition, students can apply the credits they earn for these courses to their Luiss study plan.
Credits for summer abroad program courses proposed by students
The requirements and procedures established in the regulations are available here.
Upon passing the exam of a recognized course abroad, according to the modes described hereafter, one of the two elective courses of your degree program's career plan.
There are two main modes for the recognition of a Summer School course abroad:
Alternativately, it is possible to have the course taken abroad recognized as credits for "other activities", or as an additional course abroad (which does not award credits valid towards a student's graduation nor it affects grade point average).
Stanford Summer Term
The eight-week Stanford Summer Term offers bachelor's degree students a variety of courses in Economics and Political Science, to be taken at the Stanford campus, located near Silicon Valley and San Francisco, California.
More information regarding the Stanford program
International Development Office
T: 06 85225657