Luiss Open: the digital transformation, winning and efficient strategies

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image-11 Apr 2019 - 5:16pm

With an open and collaborative spirit, 20 top Italian managers reponsible for the digital transformation of their companies, have taken part in Digital Advisory Board (DAB), an initiative promoted by Luiss Business School and Cisco, to gain insights on the impact of digital technologies on business and society with a special focus on the challenges for implementation.

Three main areas of interest have been identified and a series of thematic workshops has been organized around the following topics:

  1. The paradigm change in the ways organizations create, deliver and capture value
  2. The leadership skills for driving organizations in their digital transformation
  3. The new customer experience, products and services enabled by digital and the “Phyrtual” world

Regarding the first point, In recent years, organizations have undergone significant change as result of using digital technologies.

As value creation is concerned, every business sooner or later needs to make a decision about the adoption of new digital tools and platforms to generate value. Organizations can expand or redefine the value proposition for their customers by connecting people and processes across the company or by extracting and mining huge amounts of data.

How can this data be used to create new business models?

As an example, considering data as a new asset, Autostrade per l’Italia has created a special company that deals with the management of data generated by both the infrastructure and the users themselves. In this way the company has extended the core of his business model by adding a new value proposition to the customers.

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<p>A report from Professor Paolo Spagnoletti on the Digital Advisory Board promoted by the Luiss Business School&nbsp;<span>and Cisco</span></p>
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