Anna Elisa D’Agostino
T: 06 8522 5989
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
Research Centers
Alessandra Paoletti
T: 06 8522 5826

X.ITE, X (Behavioral) Insight Technology Enhanced, is an interdisciplinary research center with a priority focus on individual decision-making processes and behaviors, which intends to develop deeper knowledge on how new technologies affect human behavior. The Center, born in response to the need for an organizational unit capable of using interdisciplinary approaches and methods and catalyzing transversal and fragmented research interests, aims to respond to the need for a new production of knowledge on the behavior and decision-making processes of consumers, citizens, individuals and communities, as well as on phenomena, theories and research methods influenced by technologies.
The Center’s research areas are: consumer artificial intelligence; interaction between consumer and smart-objects; consumer behavior and emotions; consumer policy; sustainable technology and behavior.
X.ITE proposes itself as a knowledge transfer center, a place where scientific research works in collaboration with companies and institutions with the aim of helping them discover new knowledge and innovations. For this purpose, it mainly carries out two types of activities: research and events. The research programs of X.ITE are shared with a community of business members who help to identify topics of maximum importance for the business, on which researchers can conduct "transformative" research projects in parallel with the institutional research carried out by the Center (in part financed by fundraising activities, starting with the fees paid by members of the business community). "Transformative research" operates through the shared and processual creation of new knowledge, and aims to accompany the top management of organizations in their transformation process, starting, consistent with the focus of the Center, from that imposed by technological changes. The strengths of X.ITE are therefore the multidisciplinary composition of the researchers (leading experts in econometrics, anthropology, semiotics, marketing, consumer behavior and sociology), the close and continuous interaction with the business community and the focus of research economics and technologies.