Anna Elisa D’Agostino
T: 0685225989
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
Centri di Ricerca
Alessandra Paoletti

The CLIO, Research Center in Leadership, Innovation and Organization, aims to explore and improve the understanding of the dynamics of organizational change that can take place both at single company / institution and individual level, as well as of larger interorganizational clusters. CLIO constitutes a forum in which researchers, professionals and managers can discuss new developments in organizational phenomena and studies in order to build new theories, i.e. develop and validate new conceptual frameworks and new methods, and develop empirical understanding of its main areas of research.
CLIO’s research areas, which are interrelated, are: the role of leadership in supporting change and innovation; intra and inter-organizational dynamics in terms of learning, adaptability, new organizational forms and management of routines; digital architectures and platforms, digitization of organizational processes, related learning dynamics; emerging models of sharing knowledge and work in and between sectors, as well as the set of "rules and roles" that bind existing and emerging actors (e.g. start-ups and crowd-open / based forms).
CLIO intends to contribute to academic, managerial and policymaking debates through: presentations at academic conferences and publications in leading international journals; organization of ad hoc seminars; publications on managerial magazines and blogs. Animated by "engaged" research, CLIO conducts rigorous and relevant research, with the aim of transcending the traditional distinction between basic knowledge and applied knowledge and focusing on the generation of knowledge guided by its application contexts. CLIO intends to forge close collaboration with industrial partners both in Italy and at international level by introducing new industry-university agreements, for example with the new Professorship-in-Residence (from academia to industry) and Professorship-of-Practice (from industry to academia) roles.
Structures established within the Center
The GIIM Observatory, Governance Innovations Impact Management, born in 2020 in collaboration with Italiacamp, aims to develop an organic and innovative path that - starting from research activities - can lead to the development of study and training courses for students and professionals, as well as to scientific and strategic consultancy activities for public and private organizations. The two strands of interest, closely connected to each other, are governance innovation - to identify new processes and solutions for the management of innovation within companies and institutions - and impact management - to develop new methodologies and tools capable not only to describe and quantify the impact generated by an organization, but also to deepen the strategic planning and management phase in line with traditional business objectives.
Through its activities, the GIIM Observatory intends to: define and validate new indicators capable of returning a quantitative and monetary value of the impact generated; build ad hoc financial assets for the development and dissemination of impact innovation and for impact-oriented change management processes; develop new models / processes capable of predicting and strategically governing the movement of organizations towards generation trajectories of positive impact; identify new professional figures able to govern and manage the impact and develop educational courses dedicated to support.