Anna Elisa D’Agostino
T: 06 8522 5989
Viale Romania, 32
00197 Roma
Research Centers
Alessandra Paoletti
T: 06 8522 5826

In partnership with: Salento University
The CCPS, Center for Conflict and Participation Studies, is an inter-university research center born in 2020, promoted by Luiss and the Salento University. The CCPS adopts a multidisciplinary perspective but is placed primarily in the area of critical sociology and studies on social conflict, political participation, the media and democracy.
The Centre’s main research areas are: communication ecosystems and democracy; political participation; democratic innovation; political parties and active citizenship; open government and e-democracy; populisms; social movements and conflict; digital platforms and technologies for participation; inclusion and diversity; political participation and social inclusion; gender and democracy.
The CCPS intends to promote, implement and / or participate in fundamental, applied and finalized research projects at an international, national, regional and local level, as well as carry out scientific research support, consultancy and training activities for public and / or private bodies. with regard to the solution of specific problems relating to the areas of expertise of the researchers belonging to the Center itself. The CCPS participates in the activities of major associations and scientific societies, promotes the establishment of international research networks, supports the study and in-depth work of young researchers, organizes seminars and conferences and produces papers and volumes in which the results of research initiatives converge.
Since 2021, the Center has edited the publication of the “Series of the Center for Conflict and Participation Studies”, published by Carocci as part of the “Biblioteca di testi e studi” series.